Friday, July 31, 2009


Happy Anniversary!

Today, my husband and I have been married sixteen years. I have a hard time believing that some times. Sixteen years seems like such a long time, and yet, looking back, it seems to have flown by. We have done so many things and yet, it feels like we have barely scratched the surface.

We have been through many ups and downs in those sixteen years. Three years of infertility and losing three little angels almost tore us apart. We were days away from separating before a late, late night argument and many, many tears made us seek out help to rebuild. And rebuild we did. We came back stronger. Able to proceed through our fertility problems which brought us our two greatest joys in life.

I LOVE babies sleeping on Daddy photos!

Our love has matured, evolved to something I can't even describe. It is a love that is so innate that I can not begin to imagine life without it. It is like my hand. I take it for granted. I use it all the time. And yet, to loose it, would be unimaginable. I would be completely lost.

I am truly blessed to have found a love like this. One I never need to worry over. One who will always be there no matter what. And one that brings great joy not just to my life, but to the lives of the two little boys who call him Daddy.

Happy Anniversary my love.


Allie said...

Aw! Happy Anniversary!

Sara said...

That was beautiful. Happy anniversary.

Jennifer said...

Happy Anniversary you two!
Here's to many many more *cheers*

Sue said...

A truly beautiful post -- congratulations to you both!

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a great anniversay Joanne. And here is to many more.

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