Friday, May 16, 2008


Matthew saw a Physical Therapist.

She is quite happy with how he can function with his AFO.

Without it is another story.

She was surprised at how tight his foot is. Asked me what the surgeon said about that. I never asked. Felt rather foolish that I hadn;t asked, I mean, I have been concerned about it just didn;t know what to expect so I thought maybe that was normal. Apparently not.

So, now I get to add to my routine daily physio and daily stretching. He will see her in 2 weeks and we can assess how often he will see her.

Hubby and I talked and decided to add 5 min of silly walks right after dinner. Matthew needs to work on walking on his tip toes, his heels, and the insides of his feet. Immediately I thought of the Ministry of Silly Walks (Monty Python). Thought, hey, that would work for half of the physio. The other half we will just have to try to fit in.

Not looking forward to the stretching though. I know it shouldn't hurt, but it won't feel good. I hate to be the bad guy, but I have to keep in mind the ultimate goal. We want for him to be as normal functioning as possible. If this could help to be AFO free during regular day to day activity, gosh, it will be worth every second of this.

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