Thursday, November 20, 2008


Got a call yesterday at 8:10 in the morning. Ken's office wanted to see Matthew before noon. So, I changed all of my plans and had to pick him up early from school so he wouldn't see his buddies sliding on the hill. I was not popular so I bribed him with a trip to Burger King after for lunch. Yes. I bribe. No, I do not want to debate it. If it makes me a crappy mom, then so be it. Sometimes you need to do what you gotta do.

Got there and Ken had the start of his new AFO but was unsure of what to do next. He casted Matthew's foot so he has a mold of his leg/foot from the knee down, but he said he wasn;t trusting those measurements and wanted to see his foot to measure, to manipulate and to ask me some questions.

Have I ever told you how much I love Ken? My hubby knows too

So we got to see the new AFO as it is so far. It has batman all over it which Matthew loves. Not even sure if I can call it an AFO anymore. It has no joint in it this time. We decided collectively that the joint was not working, even his surgeon agreed. And it is called a stir-up. And it will have some sort of intricate strapping system.

I just hope it fits in at least his soccer shoes.

And his winter boots.

The rest I can replace. Again.

After we left Ken's, we went to Burger King where we met up with someone from the boys' school. The three of them played and I chatted with the mom. Her son has PUF funding as well and we had a fantastic conversation about what it is like to have a child with special concerns and numerous appts and no straight journey to a definite finish line. It was refreshing to hear someone speak the words I have felt but not said.

I decided then I need to start a group for us moms so we can vent and be real about it all. Will have to get that going soon. After Matthew's bday.

And about me. I am finally feeling like my old self. Maybe not exactly the same. Maybe that is too much to ask for. I still am in tears at the drop of a hat, but I feel strong again. Like I can take this on and do this. I need to... so that Matthew can be strong. I think we feed off of each other. When we are both strong, we take on the world, when we are down, the world takes us. And we are not going to let the world take us. NEVER.

Can you hear me roar?

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