Wednesday, March 5, 2008

News from the surgeon

We are back from the hospital with a nice clean new green cast. Smells so much better too.

Matthew lost it when his cast was being cut off, but it was purely anxiety, not pain. He even yelled "call the police!" a few times. Margo got a kick out of that. She is always telling Matthew that adults can't hurt kids and if they did, the police would stop it. So the kid put it all together. Margo thought it was pretty funny and was telling a bunch of the nurses.

Dr Keifer took a look and was pleased with the progress and given the go ahead to have his AFO fitted in 2 weeks. Margo was so pleased that she said he could actually be fitted right now for the AFO.

The bottom of his foot was really wet. Looked like a huge blister that had burst and the skin was hanging there. About the size of a few loonies put together, so we popped him into a wheelchair and went to the cafeteria to let it air out for 30 min. I'm wondering if that was the source of the stink, because this was one stinky cast.

The incisions look good too. It is odd though, because all the scabs are still there 6 weeks post-op, but then they have no where to go being under a cast. Dr. K brushed one and it fell off. Freaked Matthew out.

Dr K asked if I wanted Matthew sedated for the casting seeing he screamed so much to have this one removed. I told him it was only anxiety, and he should be ok for putting the new one on. Just to be on the safe side, they put him in the back casting room where they could close the door. Didn't need to. He was great for the new cast. Margo said his foot is stretching all on its own and she didn't even need to apply pressure.

Matthew said he wanted to walk on the new cast. He limped for a few minutes but was full on running when we hit the parking lot. Of course, because they are not supposed to run in the parking lot

I called his orthotist to set up the AFO fitting. He is coming to the hospital for 8 am on March 18 to fit him, will make it that day and fit the AFO on the 19th because he leaves town that evening for 3 weeks.

So, it looks like Matthew will be all done casts in 2 weeks! I am in shock! I had at least 4 weeks in my mind!

What a great feeling.... it doesn't get any better then this.

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