Saturday, February 14, 2009

All Aboard!!

Looks like we are back on the crazy train to St. Louis!

I am still in shock. I called our local Shriner's yesterday morning. I was told that the application forms would be dropped off in the afternoon. When Dave arrived with the forms, I was unprepared for him to take off his shoes and jacket, sit at the table and pull out a pen. He was going to get them filled out now and sent in the following day!

Filling out these forms can be amusing. One of the questions is 'how many treatments has the child had'. I asked what that meant, surgeries, appointments, casts...? He decided to break it down. He asked how many casts. I had to laugh, I lost count years ago.

Dave did say that Spokane is where most kids from here go for Shriner's help. We talked about that and I stressed that this is not a regular clubfoot. That Dr. Dobbs in Missouri has experience with this combination.

As Dave was gathering up the papers, he asked if we had passports and stressed that I would need a letter from my husband to take Matthew out of the country. I must have looked puzzled because he said that he felt Shriner's would sponsor Matthew and that an appointment could be as soon at 20 days after approval. I was in shock and forgot to ask how long approval could take but really, doesn't matter, the ball is

Seems the final hurdle is going to be convincing the Shriner's that Matthew needs to see Dr. Dobbs and not someone in Spokane. Dave feels this is just a formality. That treatment at the closest hospital is always preferred but he also feels that Missouri will be the one.

Just in case, I sent an email to Dr Dobbs letting him know what was going on and that I really wanted Matthew seen by him.

Now we wait.


Jennifer said...

I am so happy for you guys! Big hugs to the Shriners too!

Sonia said...

Wow! That's awesome that it will happen so quickly! No waiting for months for a call! :) I'm happy for you!

Sara said...

YAY!!!! Great news.

I know you are busy, but I tagged you here . Feel free to play along if you have some extra time. :) Love ya!

Unknown said...

That is great news!!! I have heared the Shriners were amazing.

Mama J. said...

Wow...that is huge news!

I will say a little prayer that you get in to Dr. Dobbs!


Sue said...

Awesome news!! Hang on tight, girl -- you're in for one outrageous ride!! I'm laughing to myself b/c this is exactly how I felt this past August with Grace's relapse. I felt I was in limbo for an eternity, almost paralyzed with the options, and non-options, and having NO idea what to do or think or how to act ... and then all of a sudden, WHAM! We were off! :) It will good from here on out.

One note about Shriner's possibly thinking you should stick with Spokane instead of St. Louis -- they're not that picky, really. Our situation was almost identical, needing to go out of state to see the ONE guy could who treat Grace's unique, individual case. I told them that on the application (in our case, we had Dr. Morcuende's recommendation as a back-up, so that helped) -- there was no one else we could see for her specific needs. You could easily plead that argument, that out of all the clubfoot doctors, Dr. Dobbs is probably THE top expert in dealing with nerve issues associated with clubfoot, and he's the guy you have to see. Don't worry -- you'll get in.

Can't wait to hear how your story unfolds! This is exciting -- I feel like I need to be eating a tub of popcorn while I read your posts! :)