Monday, June 22, 2009


Yes, I got me a new camera. It is the newest version of the old burnt one. I wondered if that was wise, but after seeing the shock and surprise in every single person I told, I think the spontaneous combustion of said camera was a rare occurrence. My old memory card works in it and it recognized all photos and video. Spent the morning downloading the latest software then uploading the handful of photos I have taken.

Still have not taken photos and video of Matthew's foot. Been to busy with year end at school and getting ready to head to the in-laws house for a week. That, and some times it is easier to just forget about things for a few days. We see his p/t tomorrow. Will see if she has some more perspective on things. If she is concerned, I will get those photos and video and send it down to Dr Dobbs.

I do have this to share from the weekend. Took the boys to see Spiderman (the REAL Spiderman) who was make a special appearance. They were thrilled! I LOVE this photo!

These kids crack me up.


Jennifer said...

Awesome! Your boys are too cute. Where was Spiderman?

Heather said...

You little spidermen are adorable.
The birdies are so sweet with their big open mouths.
Glad you got a new camera and I hope that his foot is okay and you get a thumbs up on it.